TIL: Ruby stuff

. acts as continuation

In Ruby you can chain method calls with


irb:> "a wild string".gsub(/ /, '+').capitalize
=> "A+wild+string"

But it works for other expressions too

x = 6
y = 4

total = x 
  + y

puts "Total: #{total}" #=> 6

total = x
  .+ y

puts "Total redux: #{total}" #=> 10

Gives you:

$❯ ruby fun.rb
Total: 6
Total redux: 10

You can use _ for Integers and Floats

irb:> int = 1_000  
=> 1000  
irb:> int.class  
=> Fixnum  
irb:> flt = 1_000.00  
=> 1000.0  
irb:> flt.class  
=> Float

Improves readability of your code



My name is Clint Shryock. I develop things in Go and Ruby. I live in central Missouri, where the weather is beautiful 4 months of the year.
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